![](http://choosetobenice.com/wp-content/uploads/dog-ctbn-club-224x300.jpg) Students in the Charlton Elementary School Choose To Be Nice Club explore many different ways of being kind. Recently, they had a hands-on demonstration of the benefits of service dogs.
We always ask students who make the Choose To Be Nice Promise how they are going to put it into action.
They have great ideas. Like not fighting with siblings or inviting a classmate to sit with them at lunch. But they also want to do more. They want to have a big impact in their community. We created the Choose To Be Nice fundraising program to help them do just that. And recently, we’ve opened the program to any group that wants to make a positive difference.
It’s so easy to do. Organizers start by choosing a charity such as a local food bank, medical aid group or community service provider. Then, they sell Choose To Be Nice merchandise and a portion of the sales are donated to that charity.
Organizers don’t have to worry about fulfilling orders or storing inventory. They just take the orders and send them to us or send their community to a dedicated URL to make purchases online.
Participants get to raise money for their community and spread the Choose To Be Nice message. They get to talk to people about what the promise is and what it means. They learn that they can have an impact on people’s lives and really make a difference.
In schools, students are encouraged to draw pictures or write about a very personal question: What does it look like, feel like and sound like to YOU to Choose To Be Nice? Students can present, discuss and showcase their work during a school assembly. Displaying the students’ work around the school and sharing the results enhances the environment and serves as a great reminder of their Choose To Be Nice promise.
Fundraisers can be organized by schools, parent organizations or individual classrooms. And now, business groups, social organizations and others can set them up as well. We’ll even help publicize it through our social media channels.
If you want to know more about our fundraisers or set one up, reach out and send an email to dina@choosetobenice.com. We’re looking forward to some great partnerships this year to support some wonderful causes. |