Our schools were busy in October launching their Choose To Be Nice Programs and setting up the activities that will teach students about making the choices that will create a lasting culture of kindness in their schools and communities. These students are learning by doing and that makes all the difference.
We are excited to be able to share what’s happening across the country. Please keep posting your stories and photos so everyone can see the wonderful work of the students and be inspired.
Learn more about our SEL School Programs.
More than 450 students made the Choose To Be Nice Promise at Ruder Elementary School in Montana. Here are a couple of pictures and a video of the students singing “Nothing More” by the Alternate Routes.
Students at the Heritage School in Charlton, MA planted bulbs to beautify the front area of the school and decorated mini pumpkins to hand out to staff. As an ongoing project, they are writing “desk notes” for all 450 students with words of encouragement.

Students from the Leonardo Grade School in Middletown New Jersey learned about responsibility.
Check out these great costumes. Teachers dressed up as the Nine Nice Mice. What a great way to make them come to life!

Willard Elementary School, Ridgewood, NJ

Memorial School, Medfield MA

Memorial School, Medfield, MA